Sneha M | BookingTimes - BookingTimes

Sneha M

Sneha M - BookingTimes Front End Development

Sneha MFront End Development

No one codes a website as well as Sneha - and no one does it with as much swagger as her either. Sneha is a critical part of our team and not only turns out beautiful websites for our clients but also for us! Check out her work....on the page you are looking at! (See, even mobile-friendly!)

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    We lucked into Sneha - and were able to test her skills as a consultant before we stole her for ourselves as a full time designer and front end developer.

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    Sneha is able to code entire websites faster than most people can think of the content they want written on them - she is exceptionally talented.

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    There is no learning curve for this girl - she hammers out the designs, asks questions to ensure it's what the client envisions, and then goes above and beyond.

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    Sneha can be reached by emailing support - we keep her pretty bogged down behind the scenes, but if you need her, just reach out!

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