Nina-P | BookingTimes - BookingTimes


Nina Poelman - BookingTimes Senior Pm/front End Developer

Nina PoelmanSenior PM/Front End Developer

Nina is a remarkable human being who brings customer success to the office daily with the most sincere kindness, thoughtfulness, and detail orientation we have ever seen. Want to see her work? Check out how fantastic the user experience is on our new website!

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    Nina has been with BookingTimes for many years and has dominated  multiple roles as a highly valued team member and leader.

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    Nina is not only manages coding website designs, but also does back end dev work, level 3 support, training, configuration, and client meetings! 

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    If you need a custom design for your website, or even a custom section,  Nina is a wealth of knowledge and will bring elegant aesthetic to the table.

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    Nina can be found most readily by emailing support and requesting a call with her specifically - bring your creative mind, because she'll be ready!

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