CRM Software for Business | BookingTimes - BookingTimes

Client Accessible Profile

Provide your clients with the ability to log into their own portal and access: their past bookings, future bookings, invoices, progress reports, completion certificates, and all communication sent by the business. Their ability to connect with critical information regarding their own time develops transparency and ultimately trust with your company. And let's face it - it's super convenient to give them instant access to all of the details, instead of answering the phone over and over to answer the same question time and time again. 

Booking History

Get instant and extensive access to your clients history of interactions with your business. Detailed and exportable reports are available with the click of a button. But we didn't stop there - we also provide you with insight into their login activity, the ability to upload files, images, referrals, intake forms, and more directly to the client profile. Just to make sure that you are completely taken care of - we made the entire database of clients searchable by partial name, phone number, email address, or client note. And because we know after ten years of service, you're not likely to need or want the old information in your system - we created sophisticated security measures to remove any or all PII information from the client profiles which are no longer active. 

Payment History

It's important to know how much you got paid, if you got paid, and who it was that paid you. It's just as important to know how you were paid, if it's fully reconciled, and in the off chance you need to issue a refund - that it's tracked in one centralized location to ensure financial accuracy. Stress less about tax calculations, payroll splits, credit card payments, and accounting errors - BookingTimes stores all information regarding transactions and puts it at your fingertips for complete control over your business finances. 

Progress Tracking

From meeting with a therapist, taking a driving lesson, or booking an appointment with an accountant - taking notes on each booking is a practice that helps to identify companies who will have longevity, and those looking to turn a quick profit. Clients become exceedingly aware of their "value" to the company when notes are offered to them, not only as a professional attribution to their service but also for their review after the fact. BookingTimes offers a variety of note options, as well as the ability to create custom templates that are service specific. Offer your customers more, and track their interactions with BookingTimes note options.

More Customer Management Features

Photo ID Verification

Take your verification to the next level and ensure your clients are qualified for our service, or are who they claim to be with photo upload.

Service-based Intake Forms

Get the info you need from your clients without any inconvenience - a specific service gets a specific form.

Membership Options

Loyalty programs develop residual income from those you've already wowed with your excellence - offer them specific deals for their patronage.

Customizable Profiles

No two businesses are the same in their policies, procedures, or technique - develop customer profiles based on your specific business plan.

2-Factor Authentication

Stop the spam before it starts - every person that signs up for your service, newsletter, or an account with you will be authentically human.

Gift Card Options

If you love it, let it grow. Let the general public have access to gifting your services to someone other than themselves! Money or service options.

Start Today - Less Stress Tomorrow

Powerful results, no contracts, and human support

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