Adam Clinckett | BookingTimes - BookingTimes

Adam Clinckett

Adam Clinckett BookingTimes CEO

Adam ClinckettChief Executive Officer

There is no one else on this earth who could have developed BookingTimes, it truly is a one-of-a-kind software that is built on a backbone as strong as our leaders'. Adam embodies everything BT is - logical, complex, brilliant, considerate, and unafraid to work 24 hours a day 7 days a week - without a single failure.

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    Despite doing a short stint with World of Warcraft - Adam is actually not a dork. He is a drummer, a family man, an ocean diver, and really pretty cool. 

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    Aside from building BookingTimes from SCRATCH as the sole architect and designer - he also tells a pretty epic Dad joke from time to time. (Yes, he stores the jokes on his "Dad-a Base")

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    Adam has a rich history in senior development roles, but considers BT to be his magnum opus. The thousands of clients on our software agree.

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    After a long battle with Carrie - Adam is no longer allowed to take direct calls. (He's kind of a big deal, and yes - Carrie won that argument.) However, you can reach him directly by emailing support or dropping a line right here.

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